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Boobpedia - Encyclopedia of big boobs
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Welcome to Boobpedia
Encyclopedia of big boobs since 2007
46,152 featured women and growing

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Welcome to Boobpedia, a free and user-editable encyclopedia of women with big boobs. Use it to look up your favorite busty models, celebrities and porn stars, find their big tit movies and pictures, or discover new favorites you never knew about. Even amateurs with big boobs can be included here. The most important feature is that all information on Boobpedia is provided by users like you, and you can edit these articles, too! Boobpedia is truly the aggregate knowledge of all fans of big breasts!

We have just launched our Escorts site so make sure you visit if that tickles your fancy!

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Enjoy your stay here, and please contribute and share your knowledge. It could be as small as correcting a typo, or as large as starting a new article on your exhibitionist DD cup wife (but get permission first, of course!). Please read the FAQ and Help, then you are ready to contribute your knowledge to men's favorite topic(s)!